Baucells Alibés, SA
T. +34 93 850 27 43
F. +34 93 850 20 74
Onze de setembre, 48-50
08508 Les Masies de Voltregà
(Barcelona) Spain

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, we inform you that The person in charge of the treatment is BAUCELLS ALIBÉS, SA domiciled at the Masies de Voltregà (08508), at Onze de Setze Street, 48-50, with Tax Identification Number A08953887 and a./e .:
Your personal data will be dealt with in order to keep the interested parties informed about the services offered on the basis of article 6.1 a) of the RGPD. The data provided will be kept within a maximum period of five years from the last management carried out, as long as it has not been requested before its deletion. The data will not be ceded to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.
You have the right to access, rectify your data, and request your removal when they are no longer necessary for your purpose. Also in certain circumstances may request the limitation of the treatment, in which case they will only be retained for the exercise or defense of claims.
In order to exercise your rights, you can go to the person responsible for the treatment by any means, prior identification. You can also go to the competent Control Authority and file a complaint when you consider that your request to exercise these rights has not been duly served.
Based on all this, I consent to the processing of my personal data that I voluntarily transfer and in the informed form.